The NRL are set to launch an investigation into the racial abuse of Roosters star Latrell Mitchell on social media, as reported byย

Mitchell was one of many players attacked on social media over the weekend, and it is understood that if the culprit is is identified as a club member, could have their membership revoked and be banned from attending NRL games.

"Racism must be called out in all its forms because the standard you walk past is the standard you accept," Greenberg toldยย 

"I commend Latrell for doing just that. These comments are disgusting and have no place in our game.

"What I love about rugby league is the diverse cultures and backgrounds it brings together. The heritage of our players is what makes our game so special.

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"Incidents like this show why our school programs like In League In Harmony and Indigenous rounds are so important to educate the next generation about inclusion.

"There is no place for any sort of abuse on social media towards our players or their families."


  1. This isn’t on.
    Despite our differences on here when it comes to banter I presume when it comes to this all are united against these low life, redneck, trailer park white trash.
    I’m white by the way.

  2. @twentyone
    you and penso are gutless hypocrites when it comes to racist and abusive remarks about players and their families.

  3. If these social media knobs had a brain, they wouldn’t be targeting a fellow dinky die Aussie, they’d be targeting the REAL threats that are coming over here by boat & plane…. Courtesy of the Australian government & Australian tax payer.

  4. Hey Eddie, I think you have too far this time accusing Souths supporters of this racial abuse. I know you back-tracked but you thought it and typed it in the first place. Calling people ”wog” went out the window years ago. ZERO TACKLE are you going to support this type of posts on this site? If you do you are just as bad as the real culprit whoever they are.

  5. ZERO TACKLE given Edwoodwoodwood1 has taken his garbage to a new low you might ask him what his point was in a recent post where he referred to Eveleigh st as somewhere people are mugged.
    It is well known Eveleigh st is a majority indigenous occupied st and is obvious who Edwoodwoodwood1 was directing his accusation towards.
    So when it comes to racist comments can you please ask him to explain his post.

  6. Naveenisgod please elaborate what you are referring to when you accuse me of this or keep your made up porkies to yourself.

  7. MR EDwooddope accusing a south sydney supporter as being the culprit confirms your ignorant small pea brain when all souths supporters pride themselves on the proud indigenous history of this great club.
    What did you mean by your reference to Eveleigh st?
    Would you like me to quote exactly what you wrote?

  8. Edwoodwoodwood1 now , since you are in explaining yourself mode, I will ask you again.
    What was your point with your reference to Eveleigh st?
    ZT it would be in the best interests of the integrity of this site if you also seek clarification as well as many would perceive it as pure racism.

  9. Edwoodwoodwood1 your attempt to back out of this one is blatant crap.
    You new exactly what you were implying.
    BTW Kings Cross which is in rooster territory is the heart of crime in and violence in Australia.
    Why didnt you refer to there for your reference to muggings?

  10. MR EDwooddope this is a topic on Latrell Mitchell and racism.
    Other subjects dont warrant discussion here.
    There is no detective work required when the facts are presented as obvious as you have.
    Eveleigh St? Serious?

  11. It wouldnโ€™t surprise me if it was the jealous Stephanie directing racist comments towards the best centre in the game

  12. Wow… that was crazy..
    Here’s my two bobs worth.
    Fact 1.
    We’re ALL wogs, boat people. The whole lot of us… First fleeters, WW2 European migrants, Vietnamese war migrants and so on. We’re all wogs.
    Fact 2
    Working for Housing in the 80s, I was belted IN…. Everleigh St.
    Now TwittyONE, I’ll refer to you as ONE (as that’s how many flags your beloved Souffs have won since the introduction of colour TV in Australia)
    I can understand your frustration following a team whose ‘home ground’ is Scud Park, miles from the heartland with no Club as such to drown your sorrows in.
    Get this straight ONE, keep your ‘naughty’ post to yourself, more of the funny stuff like “Souffs Melbourne GF”

  13. Back2smack19, MR EDwooddope and Frankspurter, when I saw the post directed at Latrell it was very much in line with the constant racist and discriminating comments you make with your reference to “wogs”, sku d missile launches pads in western sydney, your obvious intention when referring to Eveleigh St as a mugging spot knowing full well this street is primarily occupied by indigenous families.
    So before you make accusations towards me as the culprit I welcome you to repeat something I have stated to support your redneck accusations just as I have with you to prove your racist and discriminating character.
    ZERO TACKLE could you please act on what I have just stated above as this does nothing more than deteriorate the integrity of this site.

  14. Chookstir, what exactly are you insinuating with your reference to “Skud Park” which MR EDwooddope is pretending is reading it for the 1st time when in fact made constant reference to it under another nic we all know before it was barred?
    Does it have something to do with a severe phobia you have that is very common amongst a certain demographic within the roosters territory?
    I also invite ZERO TACKLE to ask for an explanation from you as to what you are insinuating with this as I strongly believe it is racist and discriminating towards a religious sector which has a large population in Western Sydney.

  15. Donโ€™t you just love wasting time writing a comment and then it magically does not appear. Lunatics everywhere on this site talking garbage on every story every day yet you add a little criticism of ZT and boom no comment posted. Guess I know where they stand….

  16. According to Fox the perps account is in the name of one Jeff Maddock and is believed to be a Parramatta fan.
    Maybe just maybe he resides in the more tolerant and multicultural city of sydney.

  17. busta, I saw the Fox story as well and shouldn’t be difficult to track down whoever this is and deal with him appropriately.
    Racist comments in any form mild or strong get under every decent person’s skin whether it be the Latrell comments or like the ones I have referred to above.
    I hope this person is dealt with as I mentioned along with ZERO TACKLE doing its bit as I have requested following along the same path as the Latrell issue by at least eliminating this element from this site once and for all.
    For those who point their finger at others accusing them of the same, at least back it up with examples as I have.

  18. Back2back19 let’s refer to your post above suggesting that I am the person behind the racist comments on Latrell as far as ZT doing something.

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