Write for Us

Yes, you. We're always looking for new writers to add their voice to the site.

Below are the answers to some frequently asked questions about submitting a post for consideration toย Zero Tackle.

What should I write about?

To get a sense for the type of work we publish, read our site!

As you can see, our posts coverย all areas of the rugby league: including player signings, team movements, injuries, the NRL and the State of Origin to name a few.

Here are some topics weโ€™d love to publish more about:

  • Who your team should look to sign โ€” does your team have a particular weakness they need to fill?
  • Ideas for growing or changing the NRL โ€” unique ideas we havenโ€™t heard before are best
  • List posts ALWAYS do very well: for instanceย Top 10 Mid-season signingsย and Top 10 Team List Tuesday shocks
  • If you were coach, what changes would you make - this could be to team lineups, future signings or on-field

Should I pitch you my idea before writing the post?

Sure! Pitch your idea by emailing us contact@zerotackle.com. (Note thatย weย canโ€™tย guaranteeย publication though untilย weย review a completedย submission. Weโ€™re happy to evaluate your pitch though before you get to writing!)

We also consider fully-drafted pieces.

When will I hear back from you after I send my submission?

Please allow up to two weeks for our team to respond to your submission (although we're generally much quicker than that).

Have any tips for ensuring my piece is a fit for Zero Tackle?

  • Please write in the โ€œyouโ€ voice as much as possible, then support your advice with personal experience, facts or stats.
  • Posts should be written in blog style, with short paragraphs, numbered lists, bullets and lots of white space.
  • Including a few sub-headings is much appreciated (we love to use H3!)
  • Be social! If you see a great tweet or Facebook post that helps articulate your submission or bolsters your point, include a link to it!

How long should my posts be?

Aim for 800-1,000 words.

Do you pay?

First-time contributors to Zero Tackle are provided with a link to their website, social media or portfolio in lieu of payment. Be sure to include these when you do submit your posts so we can include these (if you haven't already) when we put your submission live.

Repeat contributors have the opportunity to get paid for their work and a number of our staff writers began as contributors to the site.

Should I include links within the piece?

Yes. Please include links that will be helpful and relevant for the reader โ€“ they can be to an appropriate post on your site or on any other news site or blog. If possible,ย please also include links within your post to other posts on Zero Tackle.

Should I write a headline?ย 

Thatโ€™d be great! We reserve the right to tweak it for SEO, style or just to make it more attention-grabbing.

If you want to suggest one or two potential headlines, that makes our job easier!

Will you edit my post?

Yes, weโ€™ll edit for content and clarity, doing our best to preserve your voice. Most of the time we're just tidying up any grammatical errors or making the post suits the Zero Tackle style better.

If we want to make major changes to it, don't worry, we'll contact you first.

Are you definitely going to publish my piece?

We reserve the right to not publish your post if we decide itโ€™s not a strong fit for Zero Tackle.ย You are then free to publish it elsewhere.

Should I include a photo?

No need. Weโ€™ll add one.

What should I do after I submit my post?

When it runs, we hope youโ€™ll be active in the comments, responding to readersโ€™ questions or thoughts. We also hope youโ€™ll share your post on social media!

We look forward to your contribution!

Ready to pitch your idea or submit your post?