After making it known to the Dragons that he needed to step away due to personal issues, Jason Saab missed the first week back at training, reports The Sydney Morning Herald.Â
Saab's manager, Mario Tartak, has been calling for a release from the Dragons for Saab for months and that is yet to come to fruition.
Saab still has two years remaining on his current deal with the Dragons, but is keen to get to the Sea Eagles, which will see him earn more money than his current deal at the Dragons.
Saab has spoken with the Dragons about his struggles with getting to the club,s base in Wollongong each day from the western Sydney suburb of Greystanes, contributing to his issues.
While the Dragons appeared willing to give in to Saab's request of a release to the Sea Eagles, the club sees the move to Manly as a similar issue travel wise to that of what he currently has with the Dragons, if not worse.
After pulling out of a recent swap deal with Manly for Reuben Garrick, the Dragons won't budge on a release of Saab until they see a good enough fit for their roster to replace his loss.
The Dragons have their eyes set on another player from a rival club in a deal that could play a big part into Saab being able to get his move to Manly for next season.
Glad the Dragons aren’t giving in to this guy.
Sometime it amazes how pathetically slimy league players and managers can act. A very poor reflection of character. I mean maybe he does have family issues but you’d be a fool to think it likely.
Any clues on who the other player is? If Saab doesn’t want to be at the Dragons they should let him go as long as they get a suitable replacement. They are entitled to that because they have nurtured and looked after him for a few years. Too often this club has lost good young players and it’s about time they got something in return.
Disappointed that Garrick deal has dropped off (solid player). Replacing Saab needs to now be about speed. The signed wingers are pretty slow across the ground. Imaging a winger who can chase down others and actually tackle around the legs!
I think there has to be some kind of financial punishment when a player wants out just because he feels like it. His exuse does not stack up, the club should dig in and not release him, and if he doesn’t show up to training than don’t pay him. It makes me so angry and the NRL should do something about these situation, there has to be some penalties in place..
It’s quite a drive from Greystanes to Manly. Arguably more difficult to drive there in the heavy traffic , than to drive to Wollongong.
The only contracts that would make sense , would be if he played for Parramatta or Penrith. Maybe the Bulldogs?
Players look to break contracts all the time. Clubs are also always looking to get a player they’ve just signed a year early . When they sign some player who still has a year to run on a contract.
Why are clubs allowed to sign anyone who has a year to run on any contract? That doesn’t make any sense either.
Supporters on here are talking about & certain clubs are now seeking a replacement , for any player who seeks to break a contract early.
I’m all for replacements for these players , or for payments made to the club they’re leaving. Such as transfer fees or development payments. Like the one South’s seek for their Glenmore Park junior.
Penrith, Brisbane, Newcastle, N.Z., North Queensland would do very well out of such payments. If the payments were mandatory. Or out of a replacement player of similar quality.
It’s time the poaching clubs , who put zero effort into junior development were forced to pay up for another clubs time & effort. That they put into bringing their juniors through.
Bring it on!!!