The NRL's match review committee have handed down three charges from Sunday's triple-header at Magic Round, with Jack Hetherington, Keenan Palasia and Dion Teaupa all facing fines.

All three players have been hit with Grade 1 careless high tackle charges for offences committed during Saturday's games.

In the day's first game - which finished in controversial circumstances as Brian Kelly was disallowed a try that would have seen the Gold Coast Titans beat the Newcastle Knights - both Jack Hetherington and Keenan Palasia found themselves charged.

Suncorp Stadium
   Crowd: 38,154

Hetherington was cited for a 44th minute tackle on Beau Fermor. In what was his first game back after squaring off with Canterbury dummy half Reed Mahoney in the dressing sheds a fortnight ago, the high shot will cost Hetherington $1800 with an early guilty plea or $2500 if he fights and loses at the judiciary given it's a second offence.

Palasia was cited for a tackle just 14 minutes after Hetherington's, with his shot against Newcastle outside back Enari Tuala. Given it's only a first offence on his record, he will pay $1000 with an early guilty plea or $1500 if he fights and loses at the judiciary.

The charge out of the late game against Teaupa was also for a high shot against opposition half Tom Dearden.

Suncorp Stadium
   Crowd: 50,708

Like Palasia, it's a first offence for Teaupa and so he will pay $1000 with an early guilty plea or $1500 if he fights and loses.

In the middle game of the day, between the Sydney Roosters and Cronulla Sharks, the MRC didn't hand down any charges.

Suncorp Stadium
   Crowd: 48,934

All three charged players have until midday on Monday (AEST) to determine whether they will head to the judiciary or accept early guilty pleas for the charges.

Any potential judiciary hearings will be held on Tuesday evening.