The NRL is gearing up for an exciting start to the 2024 season, and they have set their sights on NFL legend Tom Brady to help to expand the brand in the United States.

With a double-header already locked in to kick off the 2024 season in Las Vegas, Brady's involvement could be a game-changer.

The NRL is strategising to build and promote its brand in the United States, identifying lucrative betting markets and a sizeable sport-loving audience as keys to growing the game globally. Brady would undoubtedly generate cross-code synergy and interest.

News Corp reports that an invitation from Sports Tech World Series has been extended to Brady, offering corporate partnerships and opportunities to collaborate with the NRL.

Brady is already scheduled to conduct a tour in Australia early next year, which includes seminars and meet-and-greet sessions. His tour has intentionally aligned with the Australian Open tennis Grand Slam, allowing fans to get up close and personal with the NFL legend.

The NRL recognises Brady's star power and the potential for a significant boost in attendance and viewership with his involvement.

Tom Brady's resume speaks for itself. Widely regarded as the greatest quarterback of all time, he holds numerous NFL records, including the most championships won by a player (7) and the most Super Bowl MVP awards (5).

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His presence and reputation could bring a fresh wave of excitement to the NRL and help raise the league's profile in the United States.

As the NRL continues to explore new avenues for growth and international exposure, the possibility of tapping into Brady's star power to make the Las Vegas double-header a resounding success would further solidify the game's presence on the global sports stage.