Canberra star John Bateman could seek a release from his deal at the end of the season, as reported by

Ahead of Sunday's grand final clash against the Sydney Roosters, the Raiders back-rower told he is likely to seek an upgraded contract in the off-season despite still having two years to run on his deal.

The Englishman's current deal is estimated to be worth between $350,000-$400,000, while he could likely command double that value on the open market, a price the Raiders can't afford.

"I've got a new agent over here, I'm with Isaac Moses," Bateman told
"I don't know where Canberra are at with their salary cap. While I'm over here mate, I have to do what's best for me and best for my family. Moving forward I'll just have to weigh up my options and see what's there.

"But Canberra is the most important thing to me this week, and once this gets out of the way we'll sit down with Canberra and my agent will do what he will have to do, he will do his job. Going forward we'll just go from there."

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Canberra chief executive Don Furner said the club would begin negotiations with Bateman after this weekend's decider.

"Of course we want to keep him," Furner said.

"We'll enjoy the grand final and get through this week and then we’ll worry about sitting down with John after that."

While admitting that he is indebted to Canberra coach Ricky Stuart, Bateman said he must prioritise his family.

"I owe Stick [Stuart] a lot," Bateman said

"He's took me in and looked after me. He's been a father figure to me, mate. When my family has been away he's been the man I've gone to, sat there and cried to. He's taken me in and looked after me. He's a great bloke and I'm really grateful for what he's done for me.

"But I need to do what's best for my family. They know that. My little girl, I want to give her the best opportunities and life and I'll see what those opportunities are. I don't know where Canberra is at with what people are coming and going but we'll sort it out after the season.

"You've got to earn as much money in your career as you can mate, I won't lie to you. She's so young and I need to give her the best opportunities in life. Whatever they are I will do because that's what's most important to me – my family."



  1. I’ve lost some respect for John Bateman over this.

    If he is saying this next week, fine – but instead, this is just awful, awful timing. Put your head down and deal with the Grand Final and then do this stuff.

    I don’t buy this “blame the agent” thing.

    A professional sportsperson should understand that agitation in any form is not what your team needs when you’re about to play the biggest game of your life. The game that all the guys in your team have been training for most of their lives to play and maybe win.

    If he listens to the leprous agent and goes ahead, it’s his fault. What a fool.

    I won’t even go into signing a contract for 3 years, planning to whine for more money, 1 year in. That’s just the way it works, these days.

  2. Hang on he signed a 3 year contract and now after 1 year he is seeking an upgrade or he is out of there?…am I reading this right?..Is this Guy related to Ryan Matterson?.

    He knew what he signed when he joined the Raiders, he signed a contract for 3 years for an agreed value for heavens sake.

    if he wants out…go…but go back to ESL where you belong!…The NRL should step and sort these Guys out…Greenburg where are you>???

  3. I dont get all this – have 1 good season, first year into a 3 year contract and want an upgrade stuff. The NRL needs to sort this ASAP!! The player cant have it both ways, if you sign a huge deal and have a bad season the club cant say to you “we need to downgrade your deal to the market value”…….Players just need to know thier worth, sign a contract and stick to it!! If you play 3 good seasons in a row then you will get the money you want on your next deal!

  4. The problem here is that a contract in NRL is not a contract and the NRL have done nothing to stamp out this issue. Some of these guys have a few good games or a good season and then expect to get an upgrade. If that is the case, then it needs to also be fair to the clubs that if the player has a bad game or a few bad games, then they should be able to cut the player or drop the salary. Seems like a crazy idea but surely this stuff has to stop and taking an absurd action against it might be the only way.

  5. If it worked both ways and clubs could cut/reduce a players salary for poor performance the Tigers would be $4m under the cap….with McQueen, Reynolds, Matulino and Packer.

  6. It does partially work both ways because generally speaking, if an upgrade contract is signed, the length of time the club gets to have the player increases. I’m not saying it makes up for the situation, I’m just saying that that’s the slight benefit of renegotiation.

    Wonder what the players union would think of clubs were allowed to renegotiate contracts down. Heh.

  7. A contract is a contract regardless of whom the individual is. It is the terms, conditions and wording of agreed contract that denotes as to the rights and responsibilities of both parties involved. I personally don’t agree with how individuals use these loopholes, they are none the less loopholes that need to be rectified by the NRL.

  8. Another player infected by that toxic POS Moses. Player agents have been one of the worst developments for the game, another appalling idea taken from the money grubbing US. Ban the lot of them!

    Bateman should suck it up and honour his deal. It’s possbile Raiders would upgrade his contract anyway.

  9. It’s just wrong, and I agree with your comments waynethepayne when you said you’ve lost respect for hm.
    All this “I’ve got to do what’s best for my family” etc is effectively claiming/hiding behind an emotional diversion. Weren’t you doing what was “best for your family” when you signed the original contract, or were you just doing a favour for a club you had absolutely no ties to (at that point), and now you think it’s their turn to rescipricate?
    Yes, do what’s right for family, for you, your career etc, but do it honouerably, and with integrity.

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