Dual-premiership winner Joseph Manu has signed an extension with the Roosters that will see him remain at the club until the end of the 2022 season.

The 23-year-old signed a two-year extension on Tuesday, and said he couldn't picture himself anywhere else.

โ€œThe Roosters is home to me, I love this Club,โ€ Manu told the club's website.

โ€œTrent, the coaches, the players, theyโ€™ve all made me a better person and a better player and I consider myself incredibly fortunate to know that Iโ€™ll continue to be part of the team at the Roosters for at least the next three years."

Coach Trent Robinson was thrilled to have Manu re-sign, and can't wait to have him at his disposal for another three years.

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โ€œJoseph is highly-regarded by his teammates and all the coaching staff for both the athlete and the person he is,โ€ Robinson said.

โ€œJoeyโ€˜s work ethic is outstanding and he holds himself accountable on the field, but just as importantly, he is a good man who embodies the values we want in our players, so itโ€™s great news to have him extend with the Club."

Manu has played 70 games for the club, and will be joined in Sydney by his younger brother Kani this year, with the 17-year-old joining the Roosters' SG Ball squad.


  1. Fabulous news for Sydney fans, this Rooster Manu knows whats good for him.
    Like the words describing bow much Joey loves the “Master Coach” Trent Robinson and what he has done in Manu’s life.
    He also knows the true character of the entire Sydney Roosters organisation, Joey knows the Roosters have a lot of heart, spirit and a heap of soul. Joey knows if he continues to play for the Roosters that he will add more Premiership blings to his already two Premierships. This Kiwi Test player is a true Rooster.

    Now for our other Brilliant centre Latrell Mitchell, he knows that this Roosters club is the place that is the best fit for his life. I can not see this champion walking away from such a great caring club. The Roosters love him and he displays the fight, heart and character of the Sydney back to back premiers. Three year extension will be forth coming very soon.

  2. Yep I agree Adam H….Trellโ€™s been with us since he was 16….he says he loves the place and has a close friendship with Joey Manu…money isnโ€™t everything and as Latrell said earlier this year – he believes Joey is the better player of the pair….so hopefully he will stay with the club that has shown him such loyalty and made him the player he is today. Given that we have close to a mill in reserve following Coops retirement, I reckon soufs will not be getting their filthy vermin claws on him….even if rusty tries to buy him with his Hollywood millions

  3. Agree Timmah these two young stars Manu and Mitchell are training buddies and close mates. Latrell Mitchell would not be seen any time soon in an opposition teams jumper. I’m so glad Manu extended, I do think Mitchell is the better centre slightly and Mr Politis must do everything humanly possible to keep Mitchell as a one club player. He has admitted in the past of making errors by letting players walk such as Maloney, after he steered Cronulla to a premiership. So lets hope he will not repeat the blunder in Mitchells case. These two centres of the Sydney Roosters are the best two strike weapons in there positions on the planet.

  4. Yeah, Latrell will turn down an extra 300k a year so he can stay with his “training buddy”
    Some of the garbage on here is priceless comedy.

  5. WOW twatty one! What the roosters are engendering in our club is mateship, loyalty and PRIDE in the jersey and our Eastern Suburbs heritage/history….and yet you would be happy to see Latrell Mitchell forego all of that and sign on with the wabbits (thanks to Hollywood Croweโ€™s chequebook), for a few 100k more?? Hmmm sounds like your dirty vermin are doing EXACTLY what you have been accusing the Roosters of doing…..trying to BUY a premiership. You – girlfriend are a fair dinkum hypocrite!

  6. timtam October 30, 2019 at 10:37 am
    “WOW twatty one! What the roosters are engendering in our club is mateship, loyalty and PRIDE in the jersey and our Eastern Suburbs heritage/historyโ€ฆ.and yet you would be happy to see Latrell Mitchell forego all of that ”

    Yes, I’m very saddened to see Latrell wanting out of that dump as made obvious in recent form. Shame the pride and heritage you talk about isnt reflected in memberships (3rd last in the NRL). Say no more.
    BTW, is it Eastern Suburbs or Sydney Sombreros, make up your mind.

  7. AdamHubcap October 29, 2019 at 7:37 pm
    “Fabulous news for Sydney fans, this Rooster Manu knows whats good for him”

    Yes, he was waiting confirmation that Cronk was staying and continuing as he has for past 2 years as head coach.
    The useless Robinson will continue his current role as post match media dribbler and Cronk chauffeur.
    I hear both Manu and Latrell wanted a Souths contract but Souths compassionately explained to Manu only room for one of them and given Latrell’s indigenous roots and his family’s passionate love for Souths it is the fair choice.

  8. Twatty 1… โ€œthe useless Robinson โ€œ?? Is that the same โ€œuseless Robinsonโ€ that has brought THREE PREMIERSHIPS and a swag of minor premierships to the Roosters during his tenure at the club??? That statement merely proves what an uneducated little nonce you really are! We are gonna be laughing in your face when Trell signs on with us again!
    soufs and all their toothless supporters – forever in the mighty Roosterโ€™s shadow…. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚

  9. BTW loved the look on Rustyโ€™s face AGAIN, when your mob choked AGAIN this year….never get tired of that look. So I wonder if heโ€™ll put that in his book of wanks ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ suck it soufs LOSERS

  10. Timmah thats Gold. Ahahahahahah Ahahahahahah Ahahahahahah Ahahahahahah Ahahahahahah

    By the way TwitOne is crying his eyes out with his wife penso. Not just because zouths are chokers but his poster boy the Facebook Flasher Burgess, has retired.

    Ahahahahahah Ahahahahahah Ahahahahahah Ahahahahahah Ahahahahahah Ahahahahahah

  11. timtim October 30, 2019 at 1:26 pm
    “Ben Hโ€ฆ.Is the nut grabber officially gonski?”
    Yes timtam you can relax, the great Sam Burgess has retired and you no longer have to witness him dismantle your team like the last 2 times he was allowed to play against them, both convincing wins.

  12. Phoenix October 30, 2019 at 12:20 pm
    “Wood-duck using 4 different logins to have a conversation agreeing with himself.”
    Reminds me of the sombreros home game ticket offer on their website where you buy 1 ticket and get 2 free guest tickets.
    BenHubcap did it all year and took 2 of his aliase dummies AdamHubcap and timtam with him as guests to fill 2 seats.
    Can you imagine the conversation taking place between the 3 of him.?
    Half time went and had a drink with Frank.spencer and chookstrip.

  13. hey twatty 1, did you hear the one about the WLB who just couldnโ€™t stop dribbling BS?
    Thatโ€™s right, itโ€™s about you ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ

  14. Manu nails it when he said โ€œI love this place at the Sydney Roosters. Its got heart, spirit and soulโ€. Manu knows how great this place is,

    Crighton who came back after a small fling at Souths, has seen how bad the conditions at Souths are. After winning his first Premiership Ring he knows 100% that he will always remain a true red white and Blue Rooster.

  15. Great news for Rooster people. The Roosters will keep their premierships team together and will go three in a row.

    Everywhere over the internet Souths players are departing, Walker their dud 5/8 wants out now as well. The place at Souths has got no heart or soul. Definitely no character. They are leaving faster than rats on a sinking ship.

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