New Canterbury recruit Dylan Napa could be suspended before he makes his Bulldogs debut, with NRL chief executive Todd Greenberg intent on taking stronger action than ever before on players who negatively impact the game's image.

Greenberg returned from vacation on Monday and quickly got on a call with all 16 NRL captains, imploring them:ย "Stop looking at head office. You guys need to take ownership of this situation".

According to the Sydney Morning Herald, Greenberg was instructed by the ARL Commission to get on the front foot and begin to penalise these indiscretions with harsher consequences, after a poor off-season for the league.

A number of players including Jack de Belin, Jarryd Hayne and Napa have all been in the news for the wrong reasons, and Greenberg came out swinging in an interview with the Herald.

"Take it as read: the first time we put the hammer down this year, itโ€™s going to be harder and bigger," Greenberg said.

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"And if anyone says, 'What about?' Well, there will be no 'what about?' We're in a new era now. Itโ€™s a reset.

"The commissionย has given me strong guidance to go harder. The deterrents aren't working. And anything relating to violence against women in particular, if itโ€™s proven, will be at the very high end of the scale.ย If itโ€™s on WhatsApp, itโ€™s the same as Facebook."

The CEO also touched on the Napa videos, and said not only had he seen them, but he was appalled by the vision.

"I have and I was just gobsmacked about the stupidity," Greenberg said.

"The message I just gave to the captains this morning was, 'If you put something into a WhatsApp group, we will treat that exactly the same as if you put it on social media because the likelihood of it getting out publicly is high, if not probable.'"

"'If youโ€™re sending video footage around to other people, what youโ€™re doing is putting your whole career, your livelihood and the reputation of the game in other peopleโ€™s hands. If you do that, be very careful or it could come back to hurt you'.

"Trying to use someone sending it on as an excuse, is just that: an excuse. You've got to own it. Take some accountability for what you can control. If you donโ€™t make the content, if you donโ€™t film the content, you don't put it out there, people canโ€™t send it on."


  1. What about Corey Norman, he has been a living disgrace within the game! P!ss him, Napa, Burgess x 3 and De Belin off! Hayne has already tried to pay his way out of the mess he is in, and will end up in Japanese Rugby!!! There is a suggestion that Bernie Tomic is a GRUB, these blokes lead the pack and the NRL allow it to happen.

    The Roosters should be compensating the Dogs, as they were aware of the grubby acts that Napa got up too!!!! but as a protected species, they will be squeaky clean!

  2. Maybe I have it wrong but isn’t Napa the victim here? Does this not fall into the whole revenge porn area of the law.
    It may have been stupid but being stupid is not against the law.
    Only the NRL would be dumb enough to punish a victim of a crime to try and keep all the permanently outraged people (who don’t even care about Napa or the NRL) onside. Just cause he is famous and a footballer does not mean he should be treated differently to anybody else.

  3. What an actual joke. Napa is the victim here, the victim of a crime yet he is going to be the one who cops the sh#t! Why don’t the NRL go after the player who videoed it and rub him out instead?

  4. Hereโ€™s Greenberg puckering up to the commission.

    Heโ€™s obviously got it in the dogs for whatever reason.

    Roosters completely knew about these vids yet never alerted the integrity unit and now Dogs are holding the bag of crap

    What about

    Pierce (at blockers kids wedding minor altercation) but came out in the press. And his hstory should push him over the edge and banish him.

    Did he also forget Inglis with a minor miss 2 games for his country and nothing for Southโ€™s.

    The double standards this guy has shown to the game not only should all these unseen comissioners be sacked but Greenberg and Beattieโ€™s position is becoming untenable.

    How about the horrible refs and nit picking that Greenberg admitted that he instructed, did that not the game into disrepute?

    Iโ€™m starting to turn off this game thatwas once wonderful.
    Bring back John Quale to clean up this crap and have these idiots put into line
    There as bad as the FFA.

  5. Well mate a few years ago now Mitchell Pearce drunk and in a private house was illegally videoed and plastered all over the internet just for being a drunk mug in a private house out of the eye of the public and copped 8 weeks and 125k fine. If these clowns like Burgess on his OWN Facebook account with his brothers, and the rest of these players like Napa etc, who are willing to share these stupid videos on WhatsApp or Facebook then they for there stupidity deserve punishment.

    I know the worlds has gone a bit crazy and we are expected to except everything because of political correctness. But Napa playing with himself while Evens shadow boxing is a bit below the belt. As with Burgess being the Facebook Stripper both these fools should be suspended. It looks like only Napa will cop a suspension because this story said the reset button ๐Ÿ”˜ has been pressed from this point onwards.๐Ÿฅš๐ŸŒ™๐Ÿฅš

  6. The whole nrl needs a clean sweep and start again. Set up punishment rules and stick to them.
    Making up rules on the fly is pathetic, look at the slater ruling.

    3 months ban for misdemeanors and traffic offences.
    One year ban for inditable offences, ie women bashers, drugs.

  7. Oh Forgot our friend Dylan Walker – wacking his missus over a video game, what punishment did he get?

    whrw is the wannabe partner in the game RLPA? After their negotiations they wanted to be more of a partner, where are they now?

  8. Blah Blah Blah Roosters Blah Blah (insert Souths insult here) Blah Blah Blah (insert silly emoji) Blah Blah Roosters

  9. I’m waiting for penso to say ban him, but forget about no punishment gi.

    That dude was drunk, could have killed people and is (was) a role model for young children., but nothing done by souffs.

  10. Wow the nrl the Bering unfair to the dogs what a shock and shouldnโ€™t the rortors be in trouble here. It was filmed when he was still playing for them

  11. What salary cap January 22, 2019 at 5:52 pm

    Blah Blah Blah Roosters Blah Blah (Souffths covered up the Facebook stripper Sam Burgess’s crime of being a Facebook Stripper but his wife did not cover it up and the clown got what was coming to him) Blah Blah Blah (๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿฅ„๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚) Blah Blah Roosters

  12. If they banned every player for stupidity offences – there would be none left! By the way, did I read recently that Todd Carney (another legend) said that Bryce Gibbs used to ‘do the bubbler’ in the dressing room after games – with club officials watching on?

  13. You think anyone that calls you out for the complete garbage is some how sticking up for your bum buddy penso.

    Get a life russ

  14. You think anyone that calls you out for the complete garbage you dribble is some how sticking up for your bum buddy Penso, you are just a 14 year old girl. All your emojis prove that.

    Get a life russ

  15. Your a sick human being woodduck/Russ, obviously i have strck a cord with you when i let all know on ZT of your stupidity when i point out facts about Easts, cause you know that most ZT people don’t believe a single word you say about Easts, if it didn’t bother you then why do you consistanstly comment on other stories, you are for ever having a crack at me when the topic is about something else, just can’t handle the truth hey.

    For the record Karyn Murphy a highly decorated former police officer, cleared Burgess of any wrong doing after Souths reported this to the NRL, but of course you and your head case alter ego mate Russ know better, and when it comes to that case and Napa Easts have been involved in both, it was an Easts staffer who was involved in the Burgess thing that suddenly came out around semi time and Easts have been sitting on this Napa video for years and now it suddenly comes out, Webster in the Herald said Easts players were responsible, so your low life club are stirring up the crap here, what Greenburg needs to do here is find out who is releasing this video and take action on that.

  16. It’s looking like a job for the RSPCA, because the poor Doggies have been beaten with the unlucky stick of late.
    P.S, Back2Front, yes I’m “defending” another rival club, so knock yourself out buddy (please).
    I think too much of the penalty for off field actions is falling on the clubs. If, and I assume they will, Napa gets suspended it’s going to have a major impact on the Dogs, yet the “incidents” took place whilst he was at the Roosters. Obviously the Roosters were completely unaware of any incidents etc etc etc, so they just got lucky with the timing of offloading Napa etc etc etc.
    I think it would be far fairer to simply fine a player the equivalent of what he’d earn for x weeks, instead of suspending him for that period, and fine the club, or impose a future salary cap reduction, if they had knowledge/involvement.

  17. I emphasis with you on the Napa situation, and the Mad Monday, but in fairness:
    The Burgess case was investigated and he was found not guilty.
    Norman was suspended (6 or 8 weeks from memory) for his incident, which was a part of others, but he was punished, so it’s not new.
    JDB, Moga, Hayne, and I could add others, like Walker, are awaiting trials.
    Along the lines of a comment I posted below, do you want GI to receive further punishment, or the Bunnies? GI missed 2 Aust rep games, and so lost around $40k in earnings, is that not enough given the max penalty by law for such an offence?

  18. I don’t see why the Bulldogs should have to suffer in any way because of Napa’s stupidity.
    Fine him, sure, but also penalise the Roosters because this all comes from his time in their chicken pen. There’s no way they wouldn’t have known of the existence of these videos long ago and it seems more than a little coincidental that they’re released now.
    Put it all back on the Chooks – where it belongs.

  19. One thing we know is, it was filmed on a Roosters trip, by a Roosters player, who then proceeded to share the content…. is that not illegal? what punishment will the Roosters face?

  20. Biff mate how can the NRL fine the Roosters, When the players clock off and go there separate ways at the end of the day the Roosters do not baby sit full grown adults. Look Napa did this with his mates and his pro’s in his own time. If some body has it in for him by posting this stuff and are found out then the punishment will be delivered to that person. The Roosters do not condone this behaviour nor does Dylan’s mother. His mother does not look after him 24 hrs a day an neither do the Roosters great organisation.๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“

  21. Canterbury Bankstown Berries should be fined for poaching our very own Sam Burgess like rebel away from us. The Roosters do not condone this type of behaviour but we all know Canterbury has had a long history of this sort of goings on and Napa took the bait to join them so tuff luck. Nothing to do with Easts. We are a professional Rugby League Club not a baby sitting centre. What a player choses to do in his own private room is his business. His room mates after taking the video did not take it back to the Roosters hierarchy and said could you mind this until he leaves. Mate you need pull your head out of the sand and get a wiff of fresh air๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ no what I’m sayingโ”โ“โ”โ“โ”โ“โ”โ“ You need to get that brick and give yourself a wack on top of your head and get those brain cells separated.๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ‘

  22. WoodChook, what are you talking about. It was common knowledge the Roosters didn’t want Napa in their chicken pen , so of course he took the Dog’s offer. The word was out for ages that they wanted to offload Napa. How often has it been spoken about in the press too?

    As for his stupid video behaviour, like all other clubs appear to be held responsible for the unsociable antics of their players, so too should the Roosters take responsibility for their players who aren’t able to behave themselves on an end of year trip. You’re kidding yourself if you think the Roosters weren’t aware of this before the recent release.
    Just as other clubs have problems with players, so do the Roosters.
    They’re not as holier than thou as you’d like to think.
    Even though it’s retrospective, it’s one of their players who’s brought disrepute to the game.

  23. Its common knowledge that every off season Napa wanted out of the Chooks Club. He has been linked to Brisbane foe a few off seasons so it really was a surprise he went to the Dogs. I suppose they offered him big bucks seeing as though Klemmer freed up a stack of cash.

    I cant see your logic Biff that the Roosters are responsible. Nick Politis was not in the room with him when these acts occurred. As Far as everybody knows this could have happened at the local Prostitute parlour or his own bedroom in in own house. It certainly never occurred at the Easts Leagues Club. What you are saying Biff if your grown up child commits a crime then the parents have to do the time. Sorry mate it doesn’t make much sense to me. ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ‘

  24. There’s one fault in your logic. Even if the Roosters had known about the footage, which I agree is very likely, Napa didn’t do anything illegal. The only ‘crime’ thats been committed is that this has gotten out into the public, something that happened when he was a Bulldog. Assuming the Roosters did know, they were able to keep it from being released. It’s senseless to punish the Roosters when under your logic, they dealt with the problem for the duration fo the time Napa was a Rooster. It’s almost as senseless to punish the Bulldogs for it, if anyone should be punished it’s Napa, and even that’s unjust.

    The case is blown way out of proportion in comparison to the cases of Walker and Hayne, which bought a significant amount more ‘disrepute’ to the game. Neither the Roosters or the Dogs are responsible here.

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