St George Illawarra's Jack de Belin has been hit with additional charges over his alleged rape of a woman in Wollongong last December.

De Belin will face Wollongong Local Court on Wednesday, but will now have to answer to three rape charges, instead of the single charge he was initially hit with.

According to the Sydney Morning Herald, police added two charges of aggravated sexual intercourse without consent against de Belin earlier in May.

It has been revealed the same victim is related to all three charges, with the two additional charges relating to individual acts as part of the same sexual encounter.

The two extra charges were also committed "in the company of another person" according to police, with Shellharbour Sharks Group 7 player Callan Sinclair alleged as the other person involved.

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It was alleged de Belin began having sex with the woman, before telling Sinclair "come on, have a go", as the woman was crying on the bed.


  1. True, if everything being reported about the incident is correct. I’ll wait until the case is heard and decided before passing any judgement, but if he is found guilty of any of the charges, I would definitely agree he is a grub.

  2. Canโ€™t argue there Beastie. If true and he is found guilty then he gets everything that he deserves including a comfy jail cell at Silverwater

  3. let’s all wait and see how this goes before we make judgement and comment of he situation, Either way its not going to be a good outcome for anyone

  4. Why wasn’t this mentioned before the Federal Court Case? Would’ve saved a lot and money if it was.
    Surely something of this importance would’ve been reported at the time of the alleged incident or did she only remember this just recently?????
    Innocent until proven guilty and should be still playing imo.
    I know a lot will disagree but I’m entitled to my opinion.

  5. If it was a drugnulla player nothing would happen hed have an extended contract on more money ………
    Jokes aside hes a grub GRUB banish the fool

  6. Agreed. I can tell you from extended family experience don’t believe ANYTHING you read, hear or see on TV until the truth comes out. The media won’t let the truth get in the way of a good story.

  7. Its unusual for the police to progress to this stage then introduce additional charges without having a substantial case. That case may not be proven in court but smoke and fire and all that.

    Cannot see him ever playing League again.

  8. Stand down if charged, reinstatement if proven not guilty is not an unreasonable stance particularly as he is still being paid and still partakes in all other club activities. Contract work is always conditional and NRL players are no different. If I had been charged with a serious offence such as this, I would think myself lucky not to be sacked on the spot.

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