Last season, around this time, I put forward 50 random rugby league thoughts/opinions/suggestions/questions and was stunned at the amount of feedback received.

After Origin, and with all the goings on in league lately, I thought it was a perfect time to re visit once again.

As always, feedback is appreciated, and Iโ€™d love to hear any other suggestions you may have to make our great game, even better.

Click here to read Part 2 of 50 Random Rugby League Thoughts

1. Johnathan Thurston is the best player in the game right now. A premiership (disregarding the one he won from the bench from the Dogs) will cement his legacy and ensure he is amongst talk to become an immortal.

2. Channel 9โ€™s decision to finally stop delaying Sunday afternoon league has been a huge win for everyone. The second game on Friday night is still torture, but one step at a time.

Daly Cherry-Evans

3. The move to scrap the ability to โ€˜back flipโ€™ on a contract is years overdue, but welcome. The entire Cherry Evans saga was a horrible look for the code. Show of hands tho, who actually believed he was ever Gold Coast bound?

4. If the NRL is serious about growing the game then I can see it considering moving one Origin a year to a neutral venue. Iโ€™d like to see it in Perth next. I donโ€™t like the idea of taking it overseas. Focus on developing league in Australia first. That being said, I prefer games stay in NSW and QLD and that NRL games are taken interstate.

5. How can a team that has run last twice in the past three seasons be well over the salary cap? Eels fans will be asking the same.

6. Manly have way too much talent to collect the 2015 wooden spoon, but I donโ€™t think too many tears would be shed by opposition fans should they end up finishing last.

7. I will applaud the referee who penalises time wasting in the final minutes of a game. Every time a player stays down to milk seconds, it should be at LEAST time-off.

8. The level of talent coming through at fullback is incredible. For NSW to lose Hayne and have the likes of Dugan, Moylan, Tedesco, Stewart and co. vying for a position is a great example. Greg Inglis isn't a bad replacement for Billy Slater for QLD either.

9. I can't be the only one who finds Laurie Daley's decision to stand Mitchell Pearce down for harassing a woman, then being on the verge of calling up Blake Ferguson. I understand he's done his time, but it sends mixed messages. I suppose all if forgiven after 12 months.

10. Brisbane's defensive effort on Sunday was the best I have ever seen. That being said, if Cooper Cronk were available you'd have to think he finds a way through. THAT being said, the game is not played on what ifs.

11. Any talk of shortening the NRL season to accommodate stand-alone Origin is laughable. The game's real owners, Channel 9, would never willingly lose high rating games, even if it does dilute the competition.

12. I'm a huge fan of the English Super League, but a recent article suggesting its quality is almost on par with the NRL is crazy. You certainly don't see 30 year-old ex ESL players winning the Dally M. I am not knocking the ESL, but facts are facts.

13. If the two best players in city/country, referred to as a genuine Origin selection trial, were overlooked for Origin, what is it the point? Take NRL games to the bush.

14. This year has been much more enjoyable to watch and read about now that we're not hearing about ASADA every week.

Blake Austin

15. Blake Austin has been the buy of the year thus far.

16. Anthony Watmough has been the most disappointing recruit.

17. Having gone 4-0 to start their season, it's hard to believe that the Knights have only won one game since. They have to work out what they're doing with Kurt Gidley quickly. He is not handling moving positions every week. Very few could.

18. I can't understand the horrible crowds at Roosters home games. They're a very high profile, and successful team playing out of a highly populated area, within amazing facilities. What more does it take to get fans to the games?

19. To settle an age-old argument, ALL teams have fair-weather fans. How many games have the Bunnies or Dogs sold out since the Grand Final?

20. Why do clubs move games to their opponent's home ground? Surely the Dragons should have taken the Roosters game to the Gong and made the away side travel. Why not take the Cowboys to Allianz? The Tigers and Eels do it with the Dogs and Bunnies too. Is the extra few fans worth giving away home ground advantage?

21. I don't like the ruling to allow a seven tackle set if a team misses a field goal attempt to win the game. You shouldn't be penalised for trying to win the game.

22. I''m not sure whether playing Supercoach and Ultimate League increase my enjoyment of watching league, or hinder it.

Josh McGuire

23. The fact the New Zealanders have beaten the Kangaroos a few times in a row is good for international league, but the gap between the top two and the rest is widening. I love the Pacific tests they play during rep weekend. The only problem is, Josh McGuire, one of Samoa's best, can no longer represent them due to playing for QLD.

24. Even the worst game of rugby league, see Tigers vs Cowboys, is still more enjoyable than the best game of Rugby Union.

25. There are so many signings announced each week that, looking forward six months, it's hard to really imagine what some line ups are going to look like. Many fans are already watching their new recruits and looking toward 2016.

Click here to read Part 2 of 50 Random Rugby League Thoughts