A raft of NRL greats have taken a swipe at suggestion that Matt Lodge could be recommended as the next Brisbane Broncos captain as the club seeks a total overhaul of its leadership group.

Coach Anthony Seibold is said to be seeking an entirely new direction with club leaders after suffering the astonishing 58-0 elimination final humbling at the hands of Parramatta, ending their campaign on a sour note of historic proportions.

But there has already been significant backlash to the reported suggestion that Seibold will put Lodge's name to the board to appoint as their next skipper, given the trouble brought up by his 2015 assault rampage inside an apartment in New York City, resulting in his sacking from the Wests Tigers.

Firstly, Cronulla great Paul Gallen appearing on 100% Footyย  Monday night decried the report.

"You couldn't see him captain any side, to be fair," Gallen said.

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"I can't see it being good for him. It just brings up everything he did."

Storm legend Billy Slater soon added, "I don't think it will be healthy for him to be named captain because it unearths all the things that he has done.

"It brings up all that bad publicity about him."

Later, former NSW coach Phil Gould joined in the chorus of complainants as he too expressed his concern over Lodge's potential promotion.

"No, I don't think he needs that and I don't think the Broncos need it," he said.

Lodge originally faced a 12-month jail term in the US in 2016 before avoiding the sanction with a plea deal, compensating the man and woman he terrorised with a financial sum.



  1. Add to that the heinous crimes he allegedly committed back home. Matt Lodge is extremely fortunate in not spending time behind bars. He is a grub.

  2. The NRL should step in and not allow for this thug to me named captain, it seem NRL condone domestic violence and thuggery they are all welcome to play, in particular Lodge whom should not be allow to get near any football team to play after what he’s done. It is OK to thugs and domestic violence perpetrators to be welcome but not for Israel Falou for just passing on a bible message. If this is not double standard what ever it is.
    Those clowns in the NRL administration need a reality check

  3. Folau should take the NRL to court. He has a case that can’t be beaten.
    1D10T NRL are stepping on dangerous ground here. Violence is condoned by the NRL but dispmaying a message on the internet is considered a far worse crime. The NRL are a disgrace.

  4. Over 40 percent of Australia voted against same for same marriage, the Nrl carry on as if 100% of League fans are suporters of the changed marriage act. I would say the majority of League fans voted in the 40% Category, although Clowns such as The NumerOneTwit and his boyfriend wife pinz0 obviously did not.

  5. Well DonWest, I marriage for marriage equality, and I am pleased that it has been legalised. I believe both are divisive characters, who have no place in the NRL.

  6. I think Sport, Politics & Religion should ALL be treated as separate entities … except for Father John Cootes

    Are the Broncos serious? … they’re the fools for even contemplating considering Lodge as a possible captian..

  7. Hey DonWoodPecker…
    Lodge would fit right in with the Chicken Cluckers. JWH throws in the dirt all the time. Cordner can’t keep his elbows down! Lodge could help to take those methods to new heights!

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