NRL boss Todd Greenberg will make his decision by the end on the week if Raiders recruit Curtis Scott will be subject to the no-fault stand-down rule after meeting with his lawyer on Monday.

Integrity unit lawyer Joseph Collins and Scott's lawyer Sam Macedone met with Greenberg on Monday to view and discuss the bodycam footage worn by officers when they arrested Scott in Moore Park on Australia Day weekend.

"We had a very robust discussion, we covered all aspects of the matter and both of us got to have a say. [Greenberg] is a pretty busy man, flying from place to place, Iโ€™m hoping by the end of the week we will have an answer," Macedone told The Sydney Morning Herald.

"He viewed the footage and I didnโ€™t question his thoughts on it. All I can do to hope now. Itโ€™s not up to me."

Scott played for the Raiders in their trial match on Saturday night, unsure of what his playing future for Canberra is with his case still to be decided.

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NSW police arrested Scott after a drunken night out with friends at the Ivy nightclub in Sydney on Australia Day weekend. Scott allegedly threw a mobile phone at a passing car in Paddington before allegedly assaulting two police officers.

Scott's defence case is set to heavily rely on four separate body-cameras worn by police officers involved in the incident, which the NRL boss Greenberg has now viewed in full.

Macedone took over the case for Scott at the request of Raiders chief executive Don Furner, after the Raider split with outspoken lawyer Danny Eid.

"Iโ€™m adopting the subtle approach and not going for the throat," Macedone said. "I am just here to resolve something peacefully. You donโ€™t get anywhere by jumping up and down."

If stood down under the no-fault rule by Greenberg, Macedone will attempt to have Scott's hearing date moved up to before the start of the NRL season. Scott's next court date is on March 20, a week after the Raiders open their NRL season on March 13.

"I'll be applying for the expedited hearing so we can get this thing out of the road," Macedone said.

As a condition of Scott's bail, he is unable to consume alcohol or be intoxicated in a public place.


  1. โ€œWe had a very robust discussion”

    This is code for we had a heated arguement.

    There must be something in that footage or Todd would have just cleared him.

  2. I reckon they should do to Scott what they do to FaoPoi…..better known as FatPooi the constipated.terdd….flush him down the ES.Bend.

  3. Hahaha. This will be funny when greenberg clears him. What a joke the NRL has become under beattie and greenbergs policies

  4. Greenberg is a complete twat….just heard that Scott is cleared to play in Rnd1 (after assaulting a cop)….and yet Jack de Belin is STILL stood down (without any evidence of guilt).
    What a double standard.

  5. Yep free to play as predicted. What a shambles this policy is and the discretion given to greenberger borders on corruption

  6. Greenberger stands down dylan walker for allegedly pulling her down to the ground yet this other piece of $h%$t punches up a female police officer and that’s ok. Good one toddy you nuffer.

  7. Oh good one !!
    Curtis will be available to bash tf out of the dyl Walker again – round 4 ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿคฃ

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