A war of words has ignited between Brisbane Broncos chairman Karl Morris and former coach Wayne Bennett.ย
Morris took aim at Bennett for the current situation Anthony Siebold now faces as his side slumped to its five-straight loss last weekend.ย
"We always thought it was going to take two years for [Seibold] to sort out the issues he was inheriting," Morris told the Sydney Morning Herald.
Bennett returned fire, saying that the Broncos management should be held accountable for the mess that they are in and not blaming him for it.ย
"I have shut my mouth since I left the club 18 months ago," he told the Syndey Morning Herald.ย
"But I will not sit back and cop or tolerate them, the management at that club, trying to lay the responsibility on my feet for their poor decisions. They have to own what decisions they have made."
Bennett also questioned why Siebold, who took his South Syndey to a preliminary final in 2018, would take the Broncos job if they were to going to go through a rebuild.ย
"Anthony Seibold's manager is Isaac Moses, who at the time had about 15 contracted players at the Broncos," he said.ย
"There's no way that those two wouldn't have discussed that playing group there. Anthony had a job at South Sydney but he still decided to take the job up there. If he thought he was going to an inferior football club, he wouldn't have gone.
"South Sydney were in the preliminary final when he left. He was a young coach. No one made him leave there when he did, because I had been promised by the Broncos that I would be coaching there in '19. The new coach wasn't due to start there until 2020. He was well across what the Broncos situation was, and he chose to take the Broncos over South Sydney.
"I was very happy with that team that I was going to coach in '19, and if I wanted out I had the opportunity to get out, but I didn't want out because I believed in that team that was there.
"For the chairman to come out and suggest that I let the roster run down or whatever he was saying, is very insulting."
The roster was, and still is very unbalanced. There is age and experience in the wrong places. But definitely not a team that should be second last and rebuilt.
I haven’t said anything on us since the season restarted. But what annoys me above the rubbish performances for the past 5 weeks are the couple of articles getting put out every week saying we’re doing this and that to get better but if anything, things have been getting worse? Stop the interviews and press releases and put your heads down, including the coach. At the moment it’s amateur hour.
As many have said before me the scenes from after the Titans game where just about every Broncos player on the field was joking and laughing after that performance is an insult to anyone that has ever put on a supporters jersey. This rubbish with Bennett needs to stop too. It’s distracting the club from what they need to be doing. Not winning a petty war of words, but footy games.