Canberra Raiders hooker Tom Starling and his two brothers are reportedly suing the NSW Police Force for up to $1 million after a nightclub incident.

News Corp has reported Starling's lawyer Paul McGirr will pursue legal action on behalf of the Starling brothers - Jackson, Josh and Tom - claiming his clients were victims of a "malicious prosecution and battery and unlawful conduct" by police.

This comes after an incident from more than two years ago over a bar brawl at a nightclub in Terrigal. The brothers were attending a 21st birthday at the Shady Palms Hotel when a fight broke out.

Tom was then repeatedly punched by a police officer, which was caught on CCTV footage. The courts cleared the brothers of any wrongdoing earlier this year.

“We are looking to take action against the NSW Police Force and the police individually as they were as I see it acting outside their police powers," said Mr McGirr per News Corp.

"Furthermore they went a step further and charged my clients with criminal offences."

“Therefore I say it has the hallmarks of a malicious prosecution. Other actions we are looking at include battery, mental injury and unlawful conduct in respect to the officer's actions against my clients."

Mr McGirr believes the compensation claim could be worth upwards of $1 million.

“I won't reveal a financial figure but when you are talking about people's earning capacities, now and potential, those figures can be substantial,” he said.

“Look at the Brittany Higgins case, for example, they said she had the potential to be a politician and paid her a couple of million dollars for loss of future earning capacity.

"When you're talking about earnings and future earnings and damage, physical and emotional, that has been occasioned by in this case the police then you can be looking upwards of $1m.”

A spokesperson for the NSW Police said inquiries from the incident were ongoing and added no further comment on the situation.

“Investigators from Professional Standards Command are leading a criminal investigation in relation to the action of officers at an incident on the Central Coast on Saturday 5 December 2020,” the spokesperson said.