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Broncos re-sign duo

The pair have signed short-term deals to remain in Brisbane.

Published by
Stephen Marson

Brisbane enforcers Tevita Pangai Junior and Matt Lodge have officially put pen to paper on new deals that will see them remain Broncos for the foreseeable future.

Pangai has signed a 12-month extension that will see him stay at the Broncos in 2019, while Lodge has agreed to remain at Red Hill until at least the end of the 2020 season.

"I'm a Brisbane Bronco, obviously I want to stay – I'm going to be working hard to get another contract," Pangai told

"I just feel this was the best place that I can play my best football – I'm happy here so I didn't want to change too much.

"The exciting group that we have here ... there's a good camaraderie around the boys, we get along really well, and I love living in Brissy – the fans have welcomed me and I really enjoy it.

"I was also really excited when I heard that Anthony Seibold was coming to the club with his staff – I feel like he can really help me, he's really big on the effort and the defensive areas ... it's going to be a good step forward.

"I've worked with (Seibold) before in the Junior Kangaroos and he's really good at explaining weaknesses in the other team and making sure that we are doing all the little things, the one percenters – that's his main focus and he's holding us accountable to that."

Lodge was voted as the club's Best Forward in 2018, and thanked the Brisbane supporters for keeping him at the club.

"Thank you (members and fans) for getting behind me – it was a massive part of why I made the decision to stay in Brisbane," Lodge told the club's website.

"We think we owe something to them and we're working hard to bring back what everyone wants.

"It's good to have some stability, I've made the decision to stay up in Brisbane and I'm happy with that decision and looking to put in some work with the group that we've got coming through to achieve what we all want.

"I'll always respect Wayne (Bennett) for giving me the chance to come back... but we're moving on now and we've got a new coach in Seibs (Anthony Seibold), training has changed and we've all on board with that and we're excited at what the future holds."

Published by
Stephen Marson